Katherine: October's here, one of my favorite months. Happy National Handbag Day! I'm celebrating with everyone. It was a most memorable National Handbag Day when I opened my Purse-onality Purse Museum of Women's History in Bayside. That launched a fabulous fashion history icon, and a mystery to match, Kat Out of the Bag. For this year I'm featuring vintage handbags. See my gorgeous, vintage Judith Leiber clutch. Satin material is so soft to the touch and it's classic shape, with a delicate gold chain. Look at how small though! Not even room for your cell. Look at that dazzling clasp though. It shines in the light like a lighthouse. All you need is a gentle push down on it to open, and push together the top two sides to close again.
Amber: I love October too with the fall colors, cute sweaters to wear, and oh those scents and tastes from the kitchen. Apple cider is one of my favorites. And with the longer evenings my thoughts turn to hauntings and tales of mystery.Katherine: Vintage and mystery go together . . . .
Amber: Like the mystery I discovered about the note in the vintage 1920's bag donated to the Purse Museum.
Katherine: That's why I wanted you to meet my new friend Libby Dawson. Of all places, I met her at a vintage purse store. She's in college too. I told her about you and that you're managing the museum gift shop between your classes.
Amber: Hi Libby. Vintage purses can be pretty cool. Did you find anything you liked there?
Libby: Hi,
Amber—it’s great to meet another college gal! And I’m so happy
to be here at the Purse-onality Purse Museum. This place is amazing!
Yes, Amber, the vintage purse shop had some very cool stuff. I didn’t
buy anything, though. I was looking for something very specific: a
purse like one I used to own. I don’t know if Katherine told you,
but I used to have a purse that was haunted. I got rid of it a while
back because keeping it got to be too painful, but sometimes I really
miss it. I’d love to have a non-haunted version of it.
Katherine: Purses do reflect the personalities of their owners, and their histories are so fascinating, they can fill a museum! Can you describe what the purse looks like? What first attracted you to it?
Libby: Honestly,
Katherine, it was love at first sight. I was at a thrift store, and
the second I laid eyes on it, I was like, “I am not leaving here
without that purse. Even if I have to use the last of my grocery
money to pay for it!” It was obviously decades old. A little
raggedy (like me). But, oh, was it cute! Faded blue denim, with studs
and rhinestones and embroidered hearts on the front. The back had
these two big patch pockets, which made it look like the butt part of
a pair of jeans. And it was huge. I actually used it as a book bag
for school.
Amber: Wow! Love it! What made you first realize you purse was haunted? Where were you? Did it scare you?
Libby: Believe
it or not, the weirdness started that day at the thrift store, while
I was in the checkout line! The purse had been totally empty when I’d
first picked it up. But while I was waiting in line, I found a
half-empty bottle of perfume inside. A little while later, an old
photo of a girl turned up. And the magic tricks didn’t stop there.
Over the next few weeks, stuff I put inside the purse would disappear
and later reappear—like my homework, for instance. After a while, I
just couldn’t deny the truth: something mystical was going on. But
was I scared? Not really. It was more like, “I have a supernatural
purse? How cool is that!”
Amber: Did you think you were going crazy?
Libby: Not
crazy so much as careless. I was like, “Why am I suddenly losing
things?” It was actually a relief to find out the purse was doing
it. And after a while, my stuff stopped going missing. It was like
now that the purse had my attention, we could move on to other
things. To the real agenda. I started finding strange items in the
purse, and eventually I realized they were clues to a twenty-year-old
mystery that I was supposed to solve.
Amber: Did you have any friends or family who you could go to for help? Or did you have to figure out what to do by yourself?
Libby: The
only person I felt comfortable telling about the purse was my best
friend, Toni. The only problem was, Toni was a total non-believer in
anything paranormal. It took me a while to convince her I had a
supernatural purse. In fact, I really can’t take the credit for
convincing her. The purse did that, in a very powerful way. Once she
accepted the truth, she was just as determined as I was to get to the
bottom of things.
Amber: Were you ever in contact with a ghost before? Do you think the purse was waiting there just for you?
Libby: This
was my very first paranormal experience. And, yes—I do think the
purse was waiting just for me. It wanted my help, and I was perfectly
willing to give it. I just didn’t realize how dangerous digging up
the past would be. I mean, I almost got killed—in a really horrible
way! But as dreadful as the experience was, a whole lot of good came
out of it, too. In the end, the purse changed my life in ways I
couldn’t have imagined. By the way, if you ever want to read my
story, check out The
Haunted Purse
by Kimberly Baer. Kim was so intrigued by what I went through that
she actually wrote a book about it!
Amber: Oh no! So glad you're here safe to tell the story. I want to read that book. Are you a mystery fan now? Or have you sworn off?
Libby: I’m
happy to guess the mystery meat in the cafeteria. I’m fine with
trying to figure out who just sent me an anonymous text message. As
for dark, dangerous mysteries that could get a person killed—I
think I’ll pass, thank you!
Amber: How's your life now with college? I'm liking my classes. I was interested in being a Librarian, but I'm liking my business classes too. What are your favorite classes?
Libby: A
librarian? Wow. Wouldn’t it be awesome to work in a place where you
were surrounded by books? I don’t know what I want to be when I
grow up, ha ha, so I’m taking lots of intro classes for my first
semester. My favorite is Intro to Sociology, though I’m taking it
mainly because it’s a pre-req for this course called Paranormal
Studies, which I want to take next semester. ParaStud (that’s what
the cool kids call it) is all about examining supernatural folklore
from different cultures. There’s even a field trip to a supposedly
haunted house. Some people sign up thinking it’s a
basket-weaving-type course, but I’ve heard that the professor
really makes you work. You do a lot of critical thinking, and you
debate the existence of ghosts, Big Foot, telekinesis—all that
stuff. How can I not
that course, considering my own brush with the paranormal?
Amber: Awesome. When you're scared, how do you give yourself the courage you need?
Libby: If
you’d asked me that a few years ago, I’d have said I’m a strong
person, so I have no trouble finding courage within myself. I got
self-sufficient at a pretty young age. See, I didn’t have the best
childhood. I was born to an unwed teen mom who didn’t give a crap
about me. She always… she just… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to
get choked up like this. I guess the hurt never really goes away.
Ugh. It’s okay—I’m fine. Anyway, my mother eventually moved in
with her boyfriend, so I was living totally on my own in an inner
city apartment. I developed courage because I had to. I felt like I
had nobody to count on but myself. Turns out that’s not a good way
to live. One of the most valuable lessons I learned from my haunted
purse experience is that you can’t do everything on your own. You
need other people—everybody does. So now when I’m feeling really
scared or worried, I don’t just rely on myself. I reach out to my
friends. I’m always amazed by how much better they make me feel.
Amber: From all you've said, I want to read all about your story. Can't wait to read The Haunted Purse by Kimberly Baer. What do you think is the most important thing to remember when tracking clues to a mystery?
Libby: Don’t
give up. Just keep at it. I got to the point where I didn’t think
I’d ever solve the mystery of the haunted purse, and then boom!
Just like that, everything fell into place.
Katherine: Libby thanks so much for joining us to celebrate National Handbag Day. You've certainly added intrigue to our holiday with your book The Haunted Purse by Kimberly Baer. And to all our readers, what are you carrying for Handbag day? I hope it's got room for a good paperback or kindle/nook book.
Libby: Is
it all right if I look around the museum for a while?
Amber: I'll show you around. It looks like Katherine is already absorbed in your book.
for The
Haunted Purse:
old denim purse Libby Dawson bought at the thrift store isn’t your
run-of-the-mill teenage tote. It’s a bag of secrets, imbued with
supernatural powers. Strange items keep turning up inside, clues to a
decades-old mystery only Libby can solve.
with apprehension and yet intrigued by the mounting pile of evidence,
Libby digs for the truth. And eventually finds it. But the story of
the purse is darker than she imagined—and its next horrific chapter
is going to be all about her.
from The
Haunted Purse:
you think we should tell my mom about the purse?” asked Toni.
I said. I wasn’t ready to trust an adult. Not even Toni’s mom,
nice as she was. “Your mom is like you,” I added. “Practical.
It would take a long time to convince her there’s something
supernatural going on.”
went back to watching the purse. There was a moment when I thought I
saw it twitch, but that might have been my imagination.
could always get rid of it,” Toni said. “You know, donate it back
to the thrift store.”
considered that. “I could. But I don’t want to—not yet, anyway.
This purse is the coolest thing I’ve ever owned. I want to find out
more about it. I want to see what it does next.”
moved her eyes from the purse long enough to glance at me. “Aren’t
you afraid it’ll crawl into your bed some night and strangle you
with its straps?”
I think it’s trying to get my attention. It’s trying to tell me
didn’t have a clue.
Baer is an author and professional editor who was born and raised in
Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a town marginally famous for having endured
three major floods. She even lived there during one of them. She
currently resides in Virginia, where she enjoys power-walking on days
when it’s not too hot, too cold, too rainy, too snowy, or too
windy. If forced to stay inside, she’s likely to end up
binge-watching one of her favorite TV shows: Gilmore
Girls, Breaking Bad, Friends,
or The
first story, written at age six, was about a baby chick that hatched
out of a little girl’s Easter egg after somehow surviving the
hard-boiling process. Her recent focus has been on writing
middle-grade and young adult fiction.